Monday, October 26, 2015

RGCB News: Vigilance Awareness Week

The Government of India and the Central Vigilance Commission have called for the entire nation to observe Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th to 31st of October 2015. The theme of the program is “Preventive Vigilance as a tool of Good Governance” this year. Keeping in mind that each and every citizen of India has the moral responsibility to add his share in the fight against corruption, RGCB abides by the union government’s call for preventive vigilance.

Today, the entire staff of RGCB gathered in the Main Campus atrium at 11.00am to officiate the commencement of this week’s programs with the Vigilance Awareness Pledge. Mr. K M Nair, the Chief Controller of RGCB led the team comprising staff and students of RGCB.


We, the public servants of India, do hereby solemnly pledge that we shall continuously strive to bring about integrity and transparency in all spheres of our activities. We also pledge that we shall work unstintingly for eradication of corruption in all spheres of life. We shall remain vigilant and work towards the growth and reputation of our organization through our collective efforts. We shall bring pride to our organizations and provide value-based service to our countrymen. We shall do our duty conscientiously and act without fear or favor.

From the Director’s desk:

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today. With rich human resources, we could be the most fertile land for scientific, technological, agricultural and educational entrepreneurships. But unfortunately, we have the dark side of having a low global Corruption Perception Index (higher the better) keeping us among the corrupt countries of the world for past many years. There is no point reproaching each other and getting dejected over a dark past. It’s high time each of us took bold steps to fight against corruption in our country. The struggle will be long, hard and not be easily fruitful. It is equally important that each citizen of India should be determined not to be corrupt as well as not to aid corruption at any level of our lives. As the theme suggests, preventing the occurrence of corruption is easier and more effective than correcting an existing deceitful system. Let’s show the path of righteousness to the younger generations so that future of India can be corruption-free and aid in good governance and excellent operational results.

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